Inhale deeply. Smell the revitalizing fragrance of coffee brewing?

Or have your senses become dull, much like the senses of our culture have been dulled to that which truly defines a woman?

Tell me, are you weary of purity plundered and wasted? Of beauty that is all of skin deep and nothing more? Of fickle relationships? Of love that lasts no longer than the feeling? Of innocence lost? Of peer pressure?

Can you smell the coffee?

If so, then I invite you to grab yourself a mug o’ joe and make yourself feel at home.

Feminine Espresso is Femininity pressed out and expressed… With a caffeinated hint of zest, I might add. It has been created to shine a beacon of hope in a world that has mocked purity, tainted beauty and hacked away at the existence of true love. It’s purpose is to encourage you to rejoice in what God has created you to be, and to bring a smile or two to aid you in your journey.

[Please note: The contents of this site are best viewed with a mug of steamy coffee at hand.]

About the Author

Single and loving life, BrittneyLeigh has always had a passion for writing.

Writing was always a huge part of my life. My mind functions in a literary sense, and has since grade school. I think in sentences and paragraphs and look at life as if it were a book. In my adolescence, I filled notebooks and journals, and loose-leaf binders with things that were of utmost importance to my young mind. When I dare to venture into those dogeared replicas of my teenage years I find myself confronted with the unedited, unabridged, and sacred thought patterns scrawled in a juvenile pen. True evidence of a mind that must be written before easily spoken.

She believes the sweetest career this side of heaven is that of a wife and mother and anticipates the day when she can fill such a role. Meanwhile, she’s determined to be content even while single.

Is there anything wrong with being single? Is it okay if I’m single… and happy?

On the subject of femininity she writes, 

There seems to be a fine line that defines what feminine is. But once defined, it is beautiful. The key truly lies in rejoicing in the fact that you are a woman, created and designed by God to fulfill that role. Femininity is a delicate sachet in which a deep strength permeates.

Aside from writing, BrittneyLeigh enjoys photography, furthering her skills as a pianist, being a seamstress, and adores kids. The liberating truth of the gospel is the passion of her life.